Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ranting again

I called my insurance company tonight to make a claim for a lost item. It was lost at my in law's home (small jewelry item - probably down the sink but who knows?) and I was told that I need to make a police report. I was told by the insurance company that I could do this over the phone. So, I call the police station. Nope. If the item was stolen I can but not if it was lost. I have to go there and fill out a report that says I lost an item in the home of my husband's parents (because they are criminals and maybe they stole it.......?)
I don't drive. I have a toddler. I don't live near a police station.
They want proof of ownership - even thought it was a gift and I don't want the person to know the item was lost.
A police report (which is an official document) is not enough apparently. Or the fact that you are required under the insurance policy to only tell the truth - it says so in the PDS. No, you need to do three things that would stand up in court.....
The claim is for about $70. Not a huge sum. I know this having seen about 1 million insurance policies in my time.
This is a giant pain in the butt.

At least I called late at night so I didn't have to wait on hold for 30 mins x 2......... *blah*

Did I tell you I am an employee of this insurance company?
That I'm supposed to go back to work for said insurance company in exactly 12 days and counting. That it is part of my job to listen to ranting people that are annoyed with their insurance policy. HA!~ A big fat dose of irony, my friend.

OK - I promise that my next post will be about crafting, or baking or something sweet and nice and not just me getting stuff off my chest! I know you want the pretty stuff ; )


CurlyPops said...

I didn't even know you could make a claim for something that is lost. Thanks for the tip!

A said...

It depends on your insurance policy. We pay extra for the privilege - I like to call it 'idiots insurance.' Ha ha.