Sunday, July 26, 2009

To do list....

Arghhhh. I really haven't made any time for sewing lately. Must. do. it.
So, as inspiration (or for future shaming when I haven't done it) I am making a little list:

  • lazy days skirt x 3 (the easiest, speediest and loveliest free pattern around)
  • Simplicity 9211 jumper and pants, sundress
  • Draft some Enid Gilchrist patterns and sew them up (I mean it this time!!)
  • Amy Butler skirt for moi
I also have 4 nephew birthdays coming in October with a new niece/nephew arriving too so I need to come up with gift ideas. I think the 4, 3 and 2 year old boys will get homemade play dough (red/blue/green/yellow) with some modeling tools. The one year old? Hmmmm, still thinking about that one. The baby? I think I'll make some more bibs (remembering the lessons I learnt from the last lot I made!) and some flannels along with some nice organic baby products. Still thinking about that one.... Any ideas? It's baby #3 in 3 years for these parents so they pretty much have everything they need. Tricky. Maybe I'll just buy a gift for Mum instead - she's gonna need it! ; )


Liesl said...

Have fun with your Enid Gichrist drafting. I have a few of her vintage goodies too and am still getting round to working out how to get the patterns out of the book!

And 3 babies in 3 years? Wow! I think you need to package up some instant sleep for that poor mum.

A said...

I know!! Poor thing.
I would package sleep if I could - man, I would make a mint!

Mel said...

I think a list is a great idea. I was only just mentally drafting one myself but I think after reading this I will actually write it down!

p.s I just found you via your comment on PMM. And I'm with you on the good glass of red (in your about me thingy)!