Thursday, September 25, 2008

A little trip

Mum has been in town so I finally went to see the NGV's art deco exhibition. My favorites were - everything!!!!- but especially the evening gowns and tea sets. Nice jewelry - my favorite Swedish glass bowl was in there too. And the posters! Love those bold graphics. It was fun to see the photos of famous deco buildings around the world that I had visited - Mum gets annoyed when I say, 'Been there. Been there. Been there too.' One of the buildings was the Macca's in Clifton Hill so I had to laugh and say, 'Eaten there.' ; )
Moo was being a bit of a pain (she was tired) but not so badly behaved that we had to leave! There was an uneven representation of elderly at the exhibition so I got a few dirty looks for Moo's squealing. She just can't help it when she visits the NGV - it echoes so nicely and she knows it!

After the gallery we went to Kimono house and I took these photos waiting for the lift. Mum bought some really sweet (and bright!) firefly seersucker to make a pinafore for Moo. I saw way too many temptations and had to try hard not to spend any money.... Same goes for visiting Genki. I really want to buy Moo a tee they have which says, 'I love animals.' In red with aqua print. *sigh*

Then we went a walking. These two photos are from the foyer of the MU building - as we are being art deco today....
Had Korean for lunch and I freaked out the waitress by ordering in Korean - my party trick! Moo loves all kinds of food so she tucked into some 짜장면..... and got it all over her face, table and chair. Luckily I brought some wipes with me. Messy food for a kid to eat but I can't help but give it to her - I like that she likes it!