Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cruel and unusual punishment

Three times this past week Moo has woken around 1am and hasn't gone back to sleep for several hours - last Friday night was the best effort as she stayed up between 1am and 6am. Last night was between 12.30 and just after 3. We've found that she tends to do this when she is about to make a huge developmental leap - we just wish she'd hurry up about it!!!
So there hasn't been much craft action around here... In happy news my Amy Butler baby patterns arrived yesterday so I have picked out the things I am going to make once life gets back to normal - ha! Moo should be leaving home in about 20 years and I might get some time then.... : )


Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Oh my goodness, that is torturous!!

Well I hope you are getting some daytime naps when she has one.. I hate being sleep deprived!

Can't wait to see your Amy Butler creations.