Thursday, July 28, 2011
Visit to Mike's studio
Last week we visited Mike's studio and Moo modeled for his next exhibition. She wore two different flying helmets that Mike got off Ebay. I can't wait to see what he does with the images. So exciting!
Posted by A at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 10, 2010
Has it really been that long???? White chocolate and raspberry tiramisu (eggless)
I've been quiet for....oooo.... 7 months!
We welcomed little Amelia Daisy to our family on August 3rd and everything since is a bit of a blur! I have done almost no sewing (not through lack of inspiration) but finally I'm starting (?) to feel that things are a little more under control.
Having a break from blogging has given me a chance to remember how much I used to enjoy it. I have great intentions of writing again but we'll see...... in the mean time...... this morning I made a white chocolate and raspberry tiramisu for a family get together. Here is my recipe:
Blend together 500g marscarpone and 1 cup of cream in a food processor. Add 100g melted white chocolate and continue blending until smooth.
Press the contents of a 425g tin of raspberries in syrup into a separate bowl (to remove the pesky pips!) Add 25mL of Absolut Raspberri. Stir to combine.
Dip savoiardi/ladies finger biscuits (I used a 500g packet) into the raspberry syrup and place the first layer in a large ceramic lasagne dish.
Cover thinly with the cheese mixture. Sprinkle with fresh (or frozen and thawed raspberries) and grated white chocolate. Add another layer of biscuit and another of cheese.
Refrigerate overnight (at least 12 hours so that the biscuits have time to absorb the moisture and become soft).
Before serving cover with whipped cream, fresh raspberries and grated white chocolate.
Posted by A at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Happy Shiny people
I've been told by my midwife that I need to slow down and rest more - like that's gonna happen with a spirited three year old 'in da house.' Home made play dough keeps her entertained for a while. Hurra!
Decided to wash all my 000 sized clothes because Moo was in that size from a couple of weeks old and I can't imagine me soaking, washing and hanging two boxes full of clothes when we've just brought the new one home. Of course I am hoping that this baby is not a giant but if she is I don't want to be unprepared..... Nesting. Nesting. Nesting.
Posted by A at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Quick update. Photos I have had on my camera for too long....
Posted by A at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Stroller cover
Posted by A at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Shameless advertising
The exhibition runs until 23 May so go and check it out. It's brilliant, even if we are related..... : ) GO MIKE!
More info here at Metro Gallery's website.
Posted by A at 5:30 PM 0 comments
How did it suddenly become 29 weeks?
I'm hoping I only have 10 weeks to go.... not 13..... please God.
I've been a bit slack in posting lately. I've been reading my fav blogs but still (due to business or laziness?) not worked out how to post properly from my macbook......
I've got soooo much to show you! Oh well. Just thought I would say that I'm still here and here are some of the things I have been up to:
- Celebrating Moo's 3rd birthday (where did that time go????)
- In this photo she's wearing one of my 'creations', a dress made from an IKEA tea towel (2 in fact) that cost me $2 in the 'as is' section. Made using the same principles as the pillowcase dress. The shoulder straps were cut from the tea towels' hanger. Elastic from the oppy. Love a bargain!!
- Hubby's Grandad passed away a few weeks ago at the ripe ol' age of 92. Have been spending time with my MIL and helping her to organise his estate. We also relocated some furniture and heirlooms which I will share with you later 'cause they're lovely.
- Travelling to and from kinder three days a week
- OB appointments, acupuncture appointments etc
- Water exercise twice a week which is helping my stupid ankle to heal
- Cleaning out cupboards, wardrobes etc. Yes, I am in nesting phase and want to throw out EVERYTHING!!
- Getting the baby's things ready. Her clothes, her room.... I'm trying to remember what I need for a newborn. I'm sure I'll realise how much I'm missing once she arrives!
- Sewing. Not much but enough.
- Sorting out all my craft things and relocating them from what was the spare room to the 'front room' where I will sew and do crafty things. Hoping this will keep me occupied once I'm too fat to climb up and clean the cornices and the tops of cupboards..... ha ha ha
My BF got me this T-shirt for my birthday back in March. It always gets a smile when I go out.
(Not my body BTW! I 'borrowed' the image from here where you can also buy one if you or someone crafty you know is expecting.)
Posted by A at 5:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
22 weeks and counting
I'm starting to feel physically better now. Hardly any morning sickness (notice I say 'hardly' because I still have the odd 'moment' which sucks!) and more energy. I was all geared up for sewing and half way through a really cute Burda blouse for Moo when misfortune (aka stupidity) struck. To cut a long story short, I twisted my ankle badly and had to be rescued from my front lawn by the paramedics : ( Nothing like being 21 weeks pregnant and on crutches, chasing a 2 year old. Great. I am now sporting a beautiful rainbow coloured foot (toes to lower calf) and have 8-12 weeks of ligament recovery.... D'oh!
On the sewing front I have achieved the following:
- drafting a pattern for a stroller liner
- a Burda blouse for Moo with one sleeve and hem to go
- Burda red cord trousers with leg pockets for Moo
- a very large pile of lovely new fabric courtesy of my beautiful Mumma
- ideas galore running around my head about what to do with said fabric
I'm really getting nesty and having the urge to purge. Unfortunately, crutches and cleaning don't go so I'm currently making lists instead. Top priority is cleaning out the spare room which will be baby's room, the linen cupboard which has W. A. Y. too many old towels and, well, linen, that needs to be re purposed or disposed of. I'm thinking of cutting up the towels and using the good edge parts for 'baby starting solids face cloths' and the rest for cleaning cloths. Just a thought....
Oooo, we caved at the final minute and decided to find out the sex of our little one. It's a SHE! We are more than pleased to add another girl to the house and I'm very happy to know that I can now start washing little pink clothes instead of wondering whether to sell them on eBay or give them to little girl cousins. Yay~~
Posted by A at 5:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
OK, still no pictures but I wanted to note my productive afternoon of mending and sewing....
- finally finished the Oliver+S dress for Missy Moo
- appliqued and sewed buttons on a fairly new T-shirt of Moos to cover dark brown paint stains instead of throwing it away or only using it for play clothes
- mended my PJs, Moo's flotation swimmers and a couple of other items with rips
- redid the hems on 2 pairs of maternity pants using a blind hem (which nearly did my head in!)
Posted by A at 6:14 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Confession and seven year itch (glitch)
First the confession. OK, the reason I haven't been posting is because I can't work out how to post on blogger with photos from my (not so) new laptop. I've gone from MS to Apple and am totally loving it. The only trouble is that I have to work how to do everything a little bit differently. It's the same but somehow different. Different enough to be ever so slightly annoying. I guess I could always ask my live in IT expert.........
On the seven year itch. Hubby and I have been living together for 7 years this year. Now, our relationship is fine, it's the appliances that are starting to leave.......... First the vacuum cleaner. Then the iron (in a spectacular pyrotechnic kind of way none the less). Towels. Bed linen. It's all starting to fall apart! I've come to the conclusion that the seven year itch is more to do with scratchy towels and holey bed sheets than relationship issues.
Enjoy your day! : )
Posted by A at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year
Here's hoping you and yours have the best year ever!
Our little bubble bean has made it to 2010. I never believed it would happen..... but here we are! I still can't bring myself to start sewing, buying or borrowing..... I'm waiting for the next scan and if BB is going strong then I'm going nuts!!! : ) (Just don't tell hubby. It's just between you and me.)
I wish you health and happiness. Joy and laughter. Love and peace.
Cheers! x x x x x
Posted by A at 8:39 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
Finally! *phew*
x x x x
Posted by A at 1:46 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
You suck! (not you personally)
The person who sucks is the ***hole who stole my daughters handbag on Tuesday. While she was riding the Postman Pat ride at Eastland shopping centre some idiot stole her handbag and purse. I guess they got what they deserved when they found nothing inside but junk (AKA 2 years old's treasure). Serves you right for stealing a 2 year old's purse stupid person with no self respect what so ever!
*fume* *rant* *fume*
Posted by A at 12:55 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Where have I been?
"Hello? Hello?" I hear you say.
You may have noticed that life seems to be getting in the way of my creative endeavours recently.
What have we been doing?
We went away to Phillip Island last weekend with a bunch of friends and it was awesome. Moo loves to socialise and enjoyed the attention of 9 adults and copious amounts of bacon. (Thanks Uncle Si.)
Her busy schedule of toddler smoozing has kept me on my toes as well as tennis (yep, you heard me, I've been playing tennis), swimming and weekly dates with the cousins. I've also been having all kinds of medical appointments to try and help us achieve our goal of a playmate for Moo.
Next year Moo's off to preschool for 3 days a week and things will hopefully calm down for a while. She's definately not one for staying home and being a wall flower so the only way to keep her from practicing mountain climbing on the furniture is to go out. (Did I tell you I went to get her up from her nap and found her perched on top of the wardrobe? Gar~)
So, to cut a long and boring story short, we've been busy doing nothing exciting and I haven't been sewing much.
I hope I will be back soon with something exciting....... ; )
Posted by A at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Yep, it's been pretty quiet
I started sewing up a nice jacket for Moo but that is now on the back burner until my Mum gets back.... I need assistance! It's a bit more complicated than anything I have previously attempted.
Tonight while watching a DVD I cut out a dress for Moo - red pinny with retro Sesame street sheet applique. I just need to wizz off to Spotlight this week and get some Vliesofix and red cotton (ran out ) so I can finish it.
And in the news front.... Moo fell over this week and bit a hole in her tongue. GROSS!! This morning we went to vist my hubby's brother and family. While there my SIL went into labour and we now have another girl in the family!! Woo hoo~~ They already have two boys (3 & 1 years) so I'm so glad for the sake of her sanity that she had a little girl. Let's hope she's quiet and retiring and not a little tear-about like our Moo! ; ) *wink*
Posted by A at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Enjoying the quiet
Moo is asleep. I've been planting flowers in the garden. White, pink and purple.
The sun is shining. The sky is blue. There's a slight breeze.
Stupid crows are being loud and ruining my peace and quiet.
Stupid crows.
Posted by A at 2:59 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
I'm keeping calm. I'm carrying on.
This week feels like I have been chasing my tail all day, every day.
This morning's effort:
8am Got up, bathed, dressed and fed Anni & I
Did two loads of laundry and hung them on the line
Packed Moo's bag for creche, including her lunch box, full change of clothes etc
9am Packed all my FIL's deliveries and mail that have arrived here whilst he's been on holiday into the car.
Jumped in the car and took Moo to creche
9.30am Went to FIL's house to sort out some stuff for his business
Got a phone call from hubby and had to go immediately to bank A, get a bank cheque and transfer funds into bank B (a 15 min drive away from bank A) so that our new car could be delivered this afternoon.
10.30am Rushed back for my doctor's appointment. Didn't have time to come home and pick up records..... tried to remember what was on there for the doctor.......
Got accupuncture.
Went to Bunnings and picked up all the painting stuff for our bathroom.
12pm Picked up Anni and drove out to Hubby's grandad's house. Took him out for lunch.
1.30pm Drove home, unpacked the car. Unpacked Moo's bag, washed her hands, changed her and put her to bed for her nap.
Crashed in a heap!! And somehow, it's already 3 o'clock.....
Off to make a well earned cup of tea now.
Posted by A at 2:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
You've gotta go there....
My brother's best mate's patisserie featured in The Age Newspaper's Epicure section this week. Check it out (and other delights) here.
This is what they said......
"City in Delicious Bites
Join Allan Campion and Michele Curtis on a trip to Melbourne's finest foodie destinations. Here they choose the best........
Le Croissant
Probably Melbourne's best vanilla slice. Three layers of housemade puff pastry are layered with creme patisserie and topped with chocolate-feathered white fondant. Available by the slice or as a large cake."
1204 Toorak Road, Burwood. 9809 2263
You know you want to visit and get a yummy cake. Go on. Do it!
Andy made our wedding cake. It was a beautiful chocolate mud cake with ganache icing - almost too good to share with the guests! Maybe we should have gone with a vanilla slice cake???? Mmmmm, *drool*
Posted by A at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Don't know if I atually want to see this doc or not......... *insert horrified scream here*
If you know me, you will have been ear bashed... listening to me ranting over eating local/organic and not using personal products that contain petrochemicals etc, so on and so forth, blah blah blah.
But what about all the plastic in our lives..... what about electricity and running water and plasma screens? And cars!
How far do you go and what is the price that you will pay either way? This looks like a great doc!
Posted by A at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today's math lesson
x ( a + b ) = GIANTmess
x = a full container of Johnson's baby power
a = toddler in bedroom for nap time
b = uncanny climbing ability
Please note that the amount of mess is proportionate to the creative ability of the toddler and the amount of fluids remaining in their drinking receptacle.
Mother's happiness is said to be inversly related to such an incident.
Posted by A at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Oh, the humanity!
Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.
I love this video - kind of reminds me of myself when there is cake.....
In other news, I managed to pass my driver's license test today. Watch out folks!
Posted by A at 4:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Posted by A at 2:52 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Bitty booties

I made these booties for my niece using this pattern from Heather Bailey's website. I made them out of thick polar fleece instead of felt which turns out quite well if I don't say so myself. I hope my SIL likes them.....
Posted by A at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Op shop find
I have had a lot of luck op shopping lately. Mostly clothes for Moo which haven't really been blog worthy. A pair of brand new with tags Thai fisher pants for moi. Hurra!




Now all I need is a sweet little baby to wear it........
Posted by A at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Cooking in hotel rooms
This video is great....
Some other things I cooked up on our travels:
Hungarian goulash
Lots of different soups
And just as many pastas
It's amazing what you can cook up - you just have to be careful not to get busted or set off the fire alarm...... ; )
Our last holiday we actually graduated to a serviced apartment with a kitchen. It really took the fun out of it!
Posted by A at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sydney travel review ; )
Well, of course I can only review the things we did but here goes.....
To get there we drove our own car to Melbourne airport and left it in long term parking ($99 for 3 days) but worth every cent when you are dragging around bags and a 2 year old. We flew Virgin Blue and I have nothing but praise for their totally cheap and cheerful service. We were able to take our stroller to the gate and the staff were all very nice to Moo, engaging her in conversation and even letting her say hello to the pilots in the cockpit when we boarded! I didn't think those things happened in our post 911 world..... The onboard refreshments were fairly priced and tasty. I even got my organic fairtrade coffee - woo hoo~ Our baggage was ready as soon as we got to the baggage claim and it was just like taking a bus!
When we arrived in Sydney it was 8am on Sunday morning. (FYI it was 18 degrees when we left Melbourne and 10 when we arrived in Sydney!) A friend picked us up from the airport. (Thanks Bob!) Although I'd heard horrendous things about Sydney traffic it was plain sailing straight from the airport to Bondi. (Something to do with it being the wee hours of Sunday? Probably!)
We spent the day with our Bondi buddies, enjoying the perfect weather and the beach. I wouldn't have gone to Bondi if it weren't for Bob and Clare but I'm so glad we did. It was just lovely! Moo loved the water and we had to really hold onto her because she wanted to run into the waves (and the rip!).
In the afternoon we made our way (again by car with no probs) to where we were staying on Pitt Street. We stayed at Meriton Serviced Apartments and I highly recommend this as a place to stay if you are travelling with a young family. It is right in the middle of things so it's not far to go anywhere (we mostly went on foot). Moo had her own bedroom and we had a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a living area. Most importantly it had a washer and dryer so we could bring limited clothing which cut down on the baggage and it also had a DVD player so we were able to bring some chillout DVDs for Moo (and us!) We were able to prepare simple meals and take Moo swimming in the hotel pool to fill in some time. It was expensive but only compared to a backpackers! It was on par with a 4-5 star hotel but without the pokey space - I just coudn't imagine what it would have been like with Moo sleeping in the evening and Hubby and I whispering to each other in the dark for a few hours.....
To get around we mostly went by foot. Sydney is quite compact (it seemed) in comparison to Melbourne so it was quite easy. The streets are all well laid out and signposted (not like many cities I have travelled to!) We also took the Monorail (awesome! Expensive but fast and convenient), the train (expensive, dirty and with a Bronx feel) and the airport shuttle bus from the hotel (I thought we were going to die but hey, I'm still here!)
Now, I couldn't have a holiday without enjoying some food, could I?
Best: Buffet breakfast at the Sofitel. What can I say but, 'Mmmmmmm.'
Worst: Lunch at the Aquarium. The usual hideously expensive food courty type food. But Moo was asleep in the pusher and we had an airport bus to catch to we ate when we could.....
Most disappointing: Cupcakes on Pitt. The icing was YUMMY but the cake was too dry for my taste.
Where we stayed there were heaps of Korean shops and restaurants so I pigged out on the usual Korean fare. Much cheaper and authentic than Melbourne. Chinatown on the other hand is much better in Melbourne in my opinion.
Sights: Bondi beach, Darling Harbour (Opera house, bridge and ferries), Sydney Tower, Aquarium.
I did take some pictures but am being lazy about downloading them....... Next time.....
Posted by A at 8:01 AM 3 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
It has more than one use...
I never thought when I bought a massaging shower head that I would be using it to 'massage' out a giant poop that Moo managed to trample into the lounge room rug....... (and Mr Potato Head and wooden bear (who had to be chucked)) *sigh*
Now I need to have a shower and use it on my neck after fulling stressing over whether to just throw the rug away or not. Why do these things always happen when your exhausted with a headache???
(And now I'm wondering what kinds of weird hits I'm going to have for people searching for weird massage shower head attachments.......!!!!!)
Posted by A at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I like......

Off to Sydney on the weekend. It will be Moo's first time on a plane and she is very excited. She's been to the airport a few times to drop off or pick up various relatives but never been through 'the doors.' I've busily been writing lists and thinking about what to bring without having to carry too much.... mission impossible with a
I've put together a 'busy bag' to keep her entertained while waiting to board, while flying, while travelling and catching buses and trains. After we come back from Sydney we are off to the lake to visit my folks so it will be quiet here for a little while (longer.....)
Hubby finishes up his current job this Friday and will start a new one in two weeks. Going from small business to mega corp..... crazy times!
Posted by A at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Lost and found
About a week later both rings were found. One in a clothes drawer and one in the linen closet. Huge sighs of relief all around.
(Don't worry Mum, I've changed the finger that I put the ring on so it can't slip off again. Bloody winter and the curse of the shrinking fingers! Come summer I will have to rearrange again due to SFFS, othewise known as summer fat finger syndrome.)
Posted by A at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Did you see me?

In reality?
Well, puffy, red faced and with jeans and a cardy and less pretty hair (with helmet of course). Fun though!
Can't wait for Moo to start riding so we can go out together with a thermos of hot chocolate and a baguette. *dream*
Posted by A at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Add this to the list.....
... party dress by Oliver + S. Here is a lovely picture of how it can look made up..... *sigh*
Posted by A at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Spooky tree necklace
I've been meaning to post about this for a long time. My lovely brother- and sister-in-law gave me this lovely necklace for my last birthday. So cute (and not really that spooky).
Another favorite (but not owned... yet!) is Girl on a swing...... ...... I should add that to my wish list....
See these and more gorgeous accessories by Melbourne based Geneine Honey here.
Posted by A at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Pay no heed....
... this post is for me and in no way a hint!
I find when it comes to birthday/Christmas time and people ask me what I want I can NEVER think of anything. I end up asking for a book voucher or the like. Right this very minute I have thought of a couple of things I'd like so I'm documenting it here for (my) future reference:
Coming Home to Eat - by Jude Blereau (I have 'Wholefood' and it is one of my favorite cook books)
Anything from Jurlique
Subscription to Ottobre kids (either in Swedish or English)
IKEA voucher (not particularly exciting but I can buy myself a nice cushion or something.....)
Hand knitted socks (not with itchy scratchy wool! I'm not fussy... much!)
The Creative Family and Handmade Home both by Amanda Blake Soule
And that's it for now but I will update as I think of things. At least I'll know where to find my list - not like any of those cheeky paper lists that gets lost...... (oops)
Posted by A at 8:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
To do list....
Arghhhh. I really haven't made any time for sewing lately. Must. do. it.
So, as inspiration (or for future shaming when I haven't done it) I am making a little list:
- lazy days skirt x 3 (the easiest, speediest and loveliest free pattern around)
- Simplicity 9211 jumper and pants, sundress
- Draft some Enid Gilchrist patterns and sew them up (I mean it this time!!)
- Amy Butler skirt for moi
Posted by A at 7:26 PM 3 comments
Because I NEED it!
Do you NEEEEEED it? (As my daughter loves to say in her whiniest 2 year old voice..)
Head on over to Tea Pony Little Vintage and enter the competition to win this beautiful little dress........
Posted by A at 7:09 PM 0 comments