Monday, January 26, 2009

Felted jumper/sweater slippers

I cut these out a few weeks ago and finally got around to sewing them up this afternoon when Moo was having her nap. It took all of 10 mins. So easy and I love them sooooo much. Reasons;
  • super comfy
  • loose but don't fall off (I hate tight shoes and even wear a size bigger than I need to)
  • feels like bare feet but your feet don't get cold (not that I have to worry about that at the moment)
The pattern was found here. All you have to do is enlarge it to your required size using a photocopier. I used our printer/scanner/copier which doesn't have a manual 'enlargement percentage' button which made it a little tricky to get the exact size. But after a lot of experimentation I got the size I was after. *phewf* That was the trickiest part.

The felted jumper was another 'oops, woolens shouldn't be washed in hot water with normal detergent' accident. I'm so glad I was able to make something out of that poor shrunken mini jumper. Who would have known when I shrunk it over5 years ago that I would learn to sew and finally rescue it from a fate worse than landfill? I just threw it in the back of the wardrobe because I felt too bad about wasting a jumper that wasn't worn out. It even moved house when we did. Who knows what I thought I might be able to do with it - but there you go! Being a hoarder is not such a bad thing after all!