Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eye-spy something begining with 'J'

Jumping jackrabbits it's hard to find things that start with J (that aren't jam or junk).
I had to go and make something - this jazzy jumper. OK, it's not a jumper in the sense that us Aussies use (sweater) but it says 'jumper' on the pattern (Simplicity 7366 circa 1977).

It's a size 3 which swamps our skinny Moo Moo but I figure she can wear it next winter with a long sleeved top and leggings underneath and the bonus is it will still fit next summer. And the summer after that. And let's face it, most likely until she is 4 years old. Great! (She can still wear clothes meant for 9mth old babies - the are just waaaay too short. Dresses become tops and pants become shorts. Handy use of last summers clothes really.)
I guess I should have placed my pattern more carefully so the pattern was not misaligned on the front but basically I just didn't have the patience....... How terrible is that???
Mum saw the post where I wrote about finding the bed sheet and pattern and she tells me she made me the very same jumper when I was about the same age. That's nice.

Thank you to Cindy at Bug and Pop who is hosting Eye Spy and to Lauren for the fun theme.


Liesl said...

That is really cute. Love the print you have used (and don't worry, I would never have had the patience to line up the pattern in the CF either!).

I love children's clothing that transitions with growth. We have lots of long trousers that become shorts!

Peck said...

Bravo!! Very retro!! I like...!!! can u make me one!! he,he,he!!! Y