.... but we'll see! We're right in the middle of the craziest time of the year. I've been busy getting ready with our first Christmas gathering this Sunday (Dad's family). Mum's family is next Saturday and my mother in law's birthday bash is on the Sunday. We have Christmas Eve (Julafton) at our place, breakfast at hubby's Dad's and then it's down to my parents on the Gippsland Lakes. In between this I'm learning to drive, (Watch out! Don't worry, I'm taking driving lessons with dual control....), baking, making space in the house for guests and getting all the presents are ready. Digging out entire rooms from under accumulated debris (Moo's toys) and dust, toast crumbs and God know what. Home made cards too. Am I crazy?
Now, as to where I have been for the past little bit.... More than a few weeks ago we found out we were expecting munchkin #2 but the happiness only lasted a few weeks and so I have been recovering both emotionally and physically. Not only that but my father in law and his wife have been away and when they are not here I take care of his business. My FIL imports parts for large transformers - the kind that are on the electrical grid - quite technical but thankfully I'm not required to be an electrical engineer! I did do physics in year 12 but that's as far as it goes! Anyhoo, that requires time when Moo is sleeping for emails, phone calls, receiving goods, repacking them and sending them around the country. Business has been booming with storms in QLD and NSW. But I bore you!
On the craft front.... I haven't done any sewing but have baked Christmas presents and used Martha's site for some packaging ideas. Moo did fingerpainting and I framed them for the Grandparents. Pics to follow.
So, Happy Christmas crafting and here's to me getting my (crafting) mojo back!